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What is the security deposit?




The security deposit is used to cover repairs to damage caused during a rental or any breach of contract (excess mileage, missing fuel, delays, etc.). 
The deposit can also be used to cover an insurance excess.

If damage is caused to your vehicle during a rental period, the security deposit can be used to cover the cost of repairs. The security deposit settings are managed in the "Preferences" tab of your advert.

When do I return the deposit?

If no damage is found after the exit inventory, the security deposit must be returned in full at the end of the rental period.

If damage is found and reported on the return inventory of fixtures, which must be signed by the tenant and yourself, you must keep the security deposit pending investigation of the damage caused, which will have been declared using the damage declaration form accessible on your account under the heading "My bookings" then "Booking details".

For compensation in the event of minor damage, excess mileage, cleaning not carried out when this is not included in the rental or missing fuel, it is preferable, wherever possible, to pay in person on return.