Help Centre - Owner

See our FAQ

Can I cancel a confirmed booking?


When you accept a booking request as an owner, you agree to honour it, except in the event of force majeure which may, in this case, prevent the hire.

If you cancel a booking without written proof of force majeure, a penalty of €150 will be retained on the payment of your next remuneration to compensate for the poor quality of service offered to the renter.

The following events will allow for cancellation without a penalty fee: 

  • Failure or accident immobilizing the vehicle in question 
  • Serious illness or accident with immobilization and inability to be present on the day of departure
  • Death

If for some reason the hire cannot take place, the owner must immediately notify Yescapa.

Please remember that renters are solely relying on you, once you have accepted their request. By doing so, you agree to make your vehicle available as indicated in our general Terms and Conditions.