Help Centre - Renter

See our FAQ

May I leave a review after a rental?


Yes! Reviews are essential to our community, they allow our users to get a better idea of the vehicle and its owner. Here are a few guidelines to follow:


  • Your review concerns the rental and the owner. You will be able to rate Yescapa separately at a later stage.
  • Your review may not contain any personal name, contact number or address
  • Your review may not be insulting, defamatory or discriminatory
  • If the overall rating is under 4 stars, we ask that you leave a comment 
  • Your comment must be coherent with the given rating
  • The photos used in your review must be appropriate

If the review concerns an ongoing claim, we may only publish it when the said claim is closed. 

We give owners the right to respond to a review in order to explain their side of the story. To do this, they must contact our customer service. Their response must also comply with this charter.